Heart Centered Reiki In Person Classes
Heart Centered Reiki
Level 1 - Self Healing

Weekend of April 12th & 13th
From 9:00am - 6:00pm
Learn to tap into and harness universal life force energy to master your personal healing. You will experience reflection exercises for deep healing, guided meditations to clear energy blockages, hands on exercises for harnessing and channeling energy. You will practice the Reiki hand positions for self-healing, while using the Heart Centered Reiki channeled mantras associated with them. You will be invited to engage in emotional awareness exercises for forgiveness and letting go of stagnant energy within your body. You will learn about the energy wheels of the body known as the chakras and take our chakra test to discover which chakras may be blocked and how they can be cleared, and so much more! Students will be attuned to Heart Centered Reiki Level 1. Enroll In Level 1 - Only $200

Level 1 - Reserve Your Spot!
On a budget? No problem! Reserve your spot for level 1 with a non-refundable deposit of just $50 with the the remaining due on the first day of class.

Heart Centered Reiki
Level 2 - Healing Others
Weekend of May 17th & 18th
From 9:00am - 6:00pm
Join us as we stand upon the three pillars of Reiki, and the foundational elements needed for the channeling of Reiki to others. Breathe your way through the experience of guided meditations, hands on applications, the use of 3 Reiki Symbols, and practical role playing; all preparing you to step into the next level. Learn to channel energy to the past, present and future, through time distance and space. Learn about healing your ancestors and also your posterity. Build interpersonal skills and gain confident as you learn about pre-session interviews with clients, to prepare you for your successful sessions. Participants will learn to implement guidelines for sending Reiki while implementing a greater understanding of its unlimited benefits. Students will be attuned to Heart Centered Reiki Level 2. Enroll In Level 2 - Only $200

Level 2 - Reserve Your Spot!
On a budget? No problem! Reserve your spot for level 2 with a non-refundable deposit of just $50 with the the remaining due on the first day of class.

Heart Centered Reiki
Level 3/4 - Master Teacher
Weekend of June 7th & 8th
From 9:00am - 6:00pm
Heart-Centered Reiki Master/Teacher gives rise to the opportunity to receive the Master Symbol which is the highest Reiki symbol for healing. Here, the student becomes the Master Teacher. Students will role-play with the advanced Reiki techniques, and are lead through intuitive exercises. You'll learn the role of the Master-Teacher, attuning your future students to Heart Centered Reiki. Students will be shown how to perform intuitive surgery, apply Reiji to self and others, and learn skills to practice being the master healer. Students will be attuned to Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher. Enroll In Levels 3/4 -$200

Level 3/4 - Reserve Your Spot!
On a budget? No problem! Reserve your spot for levels 3/4 with a non-refundable deposit of just $50 with the the remaining due on the first day of class.

All Weekends - April. May. June.
From 9:00am - 6:00pm
Feeling the call to transformative healing? Dive into Heart Centered Reiki and embark on a journey from personal self-healing - Level 1, all the way to the Master Teacher Level! Secure your spot now and save $100 when you commit fully to your healing path. Don’t miss this chance to unlock your potential and embrace a life of balance and harmony. Total fee applies. Commit to your healing and enroll in all levels right now for only $500

Leslie's Heart Centered Reiki course goes above and beyond my expectations. While clear and concise, it's also in-depth and helpful. There's just the right amount of information in each section and it flows seamlessly. All in all, the best course I've taken on Udemy. Thank you so much Leslie. Love and gratitude.
“Amazing journey! Very deep and detailed information. Very personal and engaging course. I love the authenticity and warm that Leslie has. She is the best advertisement of what Reiki can do for you. What kind of master you can become.”
"I cried during your healing story. I felt every feeling of joy, pride, confidence and magic in your heart it was beautiful! You're beautiful! I cannot wait to be able to have the gift of love to heal at the level you have done. This gave me so much hope as I'm going through so much as I try to self heal. Thank you for giving me the opportunity!"​
Set Your Own Time & Pace
You may feel called to learn Reiki, however, we understand that group settings aren't necessarily for everyone. It's for this reason that Leslie Paramore offers personal one - on - one training to learn Heart Centered Reiki Energy Healing, both in person or remotely. Experience personal insights, applicable exercises, and intuitive mentoring to become a Certified Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher.
Level 1 - 4 hours @ $250
Level 2 - 4 hours @ $250
Level 3 & 4 - 4 hours @ $300
Save $100 when you commit fully to your healing path.
Applicants may enroll in individual levels, or choose to enroll in all levels to which we offer a discount of $100.
Email centeryourheart@gmail.com to discuss your personal healing path through private teaching with Leslie Paramore.